baNanA StORieS here! <3

you are always welcome :)

NANA-NyeT! kicks you (hard in the ass).
1. Hi.
2. I'm as GOOD as they come.
3. always smile :).
4. I love monkey - cute, banana - banana.
5. I wish for a wadever i have wished.
7. That's all, apparently.


my Dear-s
♥ : Kelly
♥ : Sherwin(:
♥ : lucy:)
♥ : cheryl
♥ : siti
♥ : tiFFany
♥ : hansen
♥ : DMIT
♥ :GQ

♥ :SitI

Music Playlist at

© AmericanRoyalty
others: * étoile filante, x_empty

Saturday, October 2, 2010
woow so long @ 11:50 AM

it has been so long since i had update my blog...
anyways this maybe the last post...
cos its better not to note every single incident when u know it will create a heart pain
Saturday, June 12, 2010
changing @ 11:56 AM

take time to relise
i happier now
more cheerfull now
but i feel insecure
something burdening my heart

i guess i need some chnages
claming myself down
make sure i set myself


  • > i will not say "awesome" unnecessarily"
  • >will not so high in school....stay cool and calm
  • >i will think so much anymore

wad i need now is to focus
and refrain myself from the thing.....

hope all will be go on smoothly :)
Saturday, June 5, 2010
kepercayaan @ 10:46 PM

buknnya g mw mengerjakannya
tapi loe yg ga mengizinkan gw tuk mengerjakan nya
tp scra tdk langsung

gw kan mengerjakannya kalo loe memberikan kepercayaan itu
tapi yg loe kasi ada keraguan
krn kraguan itu lah
gw lagusng menolak tuk mengejakan nya

napa smua harus tanya dia....
gak kah loe percaya pd gw....
krn loe ga percaya
ya sudah
smuanya loe yg buat lah
gw hanya akan diam
pura-pura tda tau apa....
pura-pura stju pada smuanya.....
kalo ada apa-apa jangan lah cari aku
janganlah menyalahkan aku
krn solusi yg gw pernah brikn tidak pernah kaw dengarkan


capek deh!!! @ 11:25 AM

akhirnya gw taw,jls smunya
g ga bkl buat apa2 lagi. krn smnya ga ada gnnya
diam adalah emas
jd g memilh untk diam dan ga peduli akan smuanya

care less = less pain

kdng smkin g peduli smkin sakit hati dibuatnya
krn ga ada yg pdli.
dan akhirnya g taw jls smnya.... hti ini akn trsa prih
smga smuanya cepat selesai Q6 cptlah brkhir. krn klw tdk hati ini akn mati dibutnya
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
FML @ 10:35 AM

minggu yang berat....
ntar lagi uda maw performance
hati jumat wow
dan skrg uda hr slsa!!!!
4 hari lagi!!!!

lumayan berat deh.. gugup...
tapi yg menyedihkan
bukanlah latihan yang berat
malah gw rasa latihan itu FUN
sama mreka smua....

yg menyedihkan adalah orang-orang yang gw harap
gw coba untuk dapatkan smau tempat buat mreka
tapi satu-satu ga mau datang....
walaupun gw kasi taw mrka kalo hanya 2 tik yg kudapat akan hanya kukasi ke ke2 orag itu.
tapi mreka bilag kalo mreka ga maw datang karena kelas di hari jumat selesainya sore
dan takut ga bisa datnag tepat waktu

tapi waktu sang penari datang mengabarkan bahwa dia ada konser tgl sekian dan sekian
mreka smua dengan semangatnya mengatakan bahwa mereka maw datang... meskipun harus menghabiskan duapuluh dol>>>dan tiket yg kuberikan adalah GeRaTIS!!!

dan saat itu juga aku merasa sebel BT
merasa tak dihargai!!!
gw berjanji ga bakalan nanya mereka untuk datng lagi ke konser apa-pun

dijalan ke auditorium gw berfikir lagi
"apakah konser gw menjenuhkan ya??"
tapi waktu gw lihat latihan band!!!
gw berpikir lagi...
"kalo mreka ga datang,mereka lah yg akan menyesal bukan aku"
godzila eats las vegas is awesome!!!

dan tawara kedua ga akan ada lagi!!!!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
already gone @ 7:18 AM

why must he go so fast
i haven't create enuf memory with u....
but u already gone...

u seemed to be energetic few days ago...
still flying around the house
still piling the rubber bud on my computer
still biting my necklace...
but why.....

what happened to you....
suddenly u did not want to eat
u used to be a greedy one
used to make aloot of noise whenever i came with food
but yesterday u changed 180 degree

why u left us so fast
tango will be sad...
he will be calling your name over and over again....
calling you with his sweet voice....
but u are no longer there to listen to his sweet voice

the house will be quiet without you....
tango will be lonely
the house beside his will be empty....
and he has no fren to fight with....

now everything will be different without your presence

i hope you are happier now there
you can fly where ever you want
no more boundaries
you will be always in my heart
always miss ya
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
everything has changeed..... @ 8:58 AM

why must this happend
just there are boundries
diff schadule
diff timming
diff day

no more like last time
no more big group discussion
no more sharing

and all is because of the boundries made in between "us"
i just realise it
and the feeling is so HURT....
wad i have afraid has come true

u no more come to me
no more discuss tgt
no more looking for me when u need the helping hand
that person has replace me....
maybe i am not good enuf....

wad hurt the most is
we are SEPERATED ONLY we are in diff "WORLD"
the meaning of true friendship in u already GONE....

ps:from now on i realise that i shall stand and depend on myself
are we still the "WE"like last time??